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Getting Involved at Trinity


Flower in Sunlight

Small Group Ministries

Small Group Study:



Sunday Morning Bible Study:

Meets 9 am Sundays at TLC before Worship.

We read & study different books of the Bible.




Women's Circles:

We have 4 Bible Study Circles that meet each month.

Ruth Circle - FIRST Wed. at 7:30 pm

Naomi Circle - SECOND Mon.  at 1:00 pm

Elizabeth Circle - SECOND Thurs. at 1:00 pm

Miriam Circle - meets SECOND Thurs. at 1:00pm


Education Forums following the service:

Meets Sunday after worship. The various topics change monthly.  Come join us for coffee, goodies and fellowship.



Welcoming into BIG event 2017.jpg

Youth Group / Confirmation


Will return this Fall.

GAME NIGHT!  Typically on the last Thurs. of the month at 6:30, we have Pizza, play games and its proven to be a GOOD TIME. Come join us. 


We have a group of youth that work hard to meet their mission goals. We currently make Cinnamon Rolls on the last Sunday of the month for donation.



The Youth attend Lutherhaven Bible camp in the summer and different times throughout the year for retreats and service cleanup 


We are actively keeping them involved with ministries in our local church, by helping out the elderly members/community members in need.


National Youth Gathering is in 2022, in Minneapolis, MN. 


Come join our Youth Group !


Contact Pastor Andy for more information.

Community Outreach!


At Trinity Lutheran Church, we believe that a healthy community is an active community. We are in the business of building faith and empowering individuals through practicing God’s work. Interested in getting involved, doing good, and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ? Take a look at the many opportunities to volunteer, and join in fun and exciting social events and gatherings. Check out all the latest events, and join our ever growing community!


Quilters Group

This group meets every Wednesday morning at 9am all year. They are always busy making 100's of quilts for people in need in our community and missions abroad. We always welcome new quilters or donations of new & gently used fabrics & sheets.
Come join us for fellowship and fun.

Healthy Morning

BOCO Back Packs

In 2010 a community based volunteer group, partnered with TLC to envision and develop a supplemental food program to supply food to Boundary County's children during the school years 3 day weekend. This partnership became BoCo Backpacks and continues to distribute backpacks filled with easy to serve, nutrition food to pre-school through the grade children in our School District. BoCo volunteers ensure that back packs are available at each location, and are distributed each week of the school year. We are currently reaching over 140 children across our county.

Garden Shed


Trinity has made part of their land available for this project. The community Garden is right behind TLC. All the members of GROW and others who work in the garden are volunteers except the Garden Manager. They have provided many hundreds of hours to this program. GROW sells garden plots to community members and grows much of its food for the local Food Bank and Farmers Market. In the future they are hoping to grow food year round. Come and learn how you can help with this project.

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