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Make a Donation to Trinity Lutheran Church

What it is, what it isn’t and why is it important!

The Trinity Lutheran Church, LLC Mission Endowment Fund was set up in 1998 to “enhance the mission outreach of TLC apart from the general operation of the congregation”. This is accomplished by investing monies received and designated specifically to the “Endowment Fund”. When we talk about mission it includes local, regional and international entities. Up to 40% of the interest generated from the permanently held fund can be designated to any of the following categories as described below. The charter provides for a “minimum of 20% for outreach into the community and synod, including, but not limited to grants to ELCA seminaries, colleges or students attending such schools, social service agencies, institutions and agencies to which the congregation relates…”. This past year the disbursements provided financial support for the Second Harvest food distribution and a local student attending St. Olaf ’s an ELCA university. 30% was designated to this area. The ELCA Good Gifts program was the recipient of the 20% designated to “missions of the ELCA…”. The committee designated that the monies provide for the area of greatest need within the Good Gifts program. Where it went could have included the purchase of livestock, honeybees, water filters, water wells, micro-loans to women for business startup, supplies for a community garden, support for seminaries to fill the projected pastoral needs among many other possibilities. 20% was designated to this area. A minimum of 20% is to go to capital improvements, debt reduction or the building program of TLC. With the need to provide to furnace repairs 50% was designated to this area. I envision a time when the capital needs of TLC are met, such as furnace upgrades, and fully funded as needed because we have grown the fund. I envision a time when furthering the mission of the church in the community is not delayed by the lack of monetary resources because we have grown the fund. I envision a time when the outreach to the wider church and its programs help provide for the “professional leadership, educational ministries, global missions, ecumenism, evangelism, social ministries, and capital financing” needed to further our stated goals because we have grown the fund. How do we accomplish this you may ask? As stated in the charter we can give to the work of the church through bequests in wills, assignment of life insurance, charitable gift annuities and other assignments and transfers of property such as cash, stocks, bonds and real estate. IF you want help grow the fund be sure to designate that the “endowment fund” is the recipient of your generosity recognizing that we are returning “to the Lord a portion of the gifts God has first given to his beloved children.” Any members of the endowment committee can answer the questions you might have.

                             Members are Rae Anderson, Barb Awbrey, Stan Galloway  and Kris Larson.


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